Archive - page 5
Flash Weirdness of the Day II
Hit a brand new FlashWoD today! This took me a while to track down, mainly because I couldn’t actually believe that it could possibly be true. In Actionscript 3, an empty array created with object literal notation as shown below will evaluate as equal to an empty string. I had a part of a data structure that would be an empty string if uninitialized, and would be an array otherwise.
Logging Unhandled Exceptions in Actionscript
When an error occurs in your flash application, and is not handled, the Flash runtime will cross its fingers, ignore it, and try to struggle on. Unfortunately, an unhandled error will probably leave your client in an unstable state, and ultimately compromise the user experience in a way that may be very difficult to diagnose.
Cherokee-admin tunnel script
Cherokee is now my favorite web server, having all the performance of Nginx, but designed for usability. The addition of the market feature has made it possible to leave behind the headaches of re-learning the peculiarities of all of your favorite pieces of software every time you set up a server. For example, I moved this blog to EC2 a while back. I installed Cherokee automatically from the repositories, then used the Cherokee market to install both WordPress and phpmyadmin automatically. Lovely.
Flash Weirdness of the Day (FlashWoD)
I spent some significant time trying to hunt down a bug (or maybe heisenbug), on and off for the last week. Thought I’d nailed it last night, but it was back again this morning.
Multiple asynchronous event handling with Flexunit
I had to write this down somewhere, now I’ve got it figured out. I’ve been banging my head against the screen for the last day and a half in work trying to figure out how to get a Actionscript unit test do what I want.
Python Memoize with Expiry
Memoizing describes the programming pattern of caching results returned from a function, so that any subsequent calls to the function with the same parameters will return a cached value instead of re-computing it. Here's a Python implementation. -
Exciting New Company
Straight back from eastern Europe, I got down to work with Brian McDonnell on our new company, which has a name that is secret for the moment. It’s great to be back with a mission. Well, several missions.
Having finally decided to learn to drive, and armed with a learner permit, I’ve begun to take lessons.
O2 Ireland Overcharging Me for Data Roaming
I been roaming with my iPhone in France and Italy. O2 Ireland’s data roaming charges are preposterous, but I knew that. The EU has already regulated the cost of voice charges (see Regulation (EC) No 717/2007, Wikipedia entry here). Apparently they are currently considering something similar for data and SMS charges.
I'm a complainer
Unfortunately, it always seems like no one with the power to improve things gives a shit.