Archive - page 4

  • Front Square in the Irish Times

    Our new startup, Front Square, was covered in the Irish Times today. The first of many articles, we hope :-)

  • Games Development and R&D

    This week, I’m joining a group of representatives from the Irish games industry in a meeting with government policy advisors, to help establish whether or not games development should qualify for the R&D tax credit. There are many aspects to game development, and everyone has their own perspective, but I thought I’d try to clarify my own thoughts here.

  • Another Boxee Box Fail

    Every software update that comes down to my Boxee box seems to be mainly about removing features, not adding them. Their last update hilariously removed volume control from the system, in the name of a consistent user experience. When the system downloaded and forced an update this evening, we had our jokes at the ready about what was going to be removed next.

  • Startup Capital in Ireland

    I’ve been both planning and procrastinating this article for months. With Ireland teetering on the brink of default, there’s still plenty of optimism in the tech sector, with various new funds allocated to small enterprise and new incubators arriving on the scene. However, having spent the latter half of 2010 on the local fundraising circuit, I find myself a bit cynical about how capital is made available to small enterprise and the direction this is going in. I’ve talked with various other local startup people, and many of them share my opinion.

  • "Silicon Liffey"

    This shared Google Map has been making its way through the tech entrepreneurial community in Dublin the last few weeks. I initially suspected Paul Hayes was behind it, but in fact it is Mark McLoughlin from TicketABC. Everyone’s been adding their own companies in, and it really shows the emerging technology cluster in Dublin city centre (got to love low rents).

  • The secret history of Eurovision

    Last night the Eurovision Song Contest made its yearly onslaught on our ears, with Twitter and Facebook providing up-to-date information about the questionable tastes of friends and old acquaintances. It all starts innocently with an ironic post or two, but 20 posts later too many good people had destroyed their hard-earned credibility by providing their own blow-by-blow accounts of the action to the denizens of the social web.

  • Disappearing Desktops

    It occurred to me recently how terrible it must be to be Microsoft (a common thought).

  • Boxee Box Fail

    A compulsory update to the Boxee box landed last night between two episodes of the excellent The Killing. Thankfully the upgrade went quickly and smoothly, leaving me with a bit of a slicker UI, and happy with some much needed improvements to little things like scrubbing through video.

  • Enterprise and Optimism

    A few weeks back someone told me to watch George Lee’s business show, in which our intrepid economist ventured to Silicon Valley to find out what the magic sauce is, and bring some back.

  • Natty Narwhal had my laptop for lunch

    Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning, I decided to take Canonical’s advice and upgrade my laptop to Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty Narwhal. Bad decision.