Exciting New Company
Straight back from eastern Europe, I got down to work with Brian McDonnell on our new company, which has a name that is secret for the moment. It’s great to be back with a mission. Well, several missions.
Our first was to clean out the temporary offices. We liked Paul Graham’s post on startups needing to the cockroaches of the corporate world. We couldn’t help feeling we were doing well then as we scrubbed down our little part of a building formerly of ill-repute. The guys upstairs say that 2-3 punters still call in every day in search of happy endings!
Well now, we are getting down to business. We’re going to do our utmost to avoid venture capital, for the moment at least, so are keeping it small and focussed, and will be financing the company through part-time consultancy, such as technology training.
We hope to have our first product in private beta by Christmas, and in the mean time, are open to hear from anyone who has a good idea that’s only missing a pair of ninja technologists to implement it.
Oh, and thanks to Dylan for the shout out in last weekend’s Irish Times.