We recently filed a trademark application for our company, PageFair. This morning I received (by snail mail) this official-looking invoice from the “European Patent and Trademark Register” for extra filing fees. It turns out it’s a complete scam. A Polish company appears to be monitoring for new trademark applications and attempting to phish a thousand Euro from each applicant.

UPDATE: See below for a second similar scam letter we received.

The small print says it all:

“Please notice, that this form is not an invoice. This is an offer for the annual registration of your Trademark in our Internet database.”

Better luck next time, losers.

This scam letter is apparently from Poland, attempting to trick €1000 out of companies. The actual promise is only that the trademark will be listed on their special database.

This one is apparently based in the US. A simple attempt to trick €2000 out of unwary companies.